Description of the company

The company “STD Donivo a.s.” is active on market since 1992 year as a family company, and it is the biggest transport company in the Slovak Republic with its more than 900 employees.

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Based on over twenty years of experience our company is able to provide comprehensive services of international transport, logistics and freight forwarding and thus achieve maximization of any customer satisfaction. Our
constant marketing research, modern logistics system, professionalism, environmental parsimony and care for current and future customers create the company's high quality services image.

Thanks to the deployment of the trucks fleet throughout all the Europe, we ensure accelerated goods transport and delivery JUST IN TIME.

We had expanded the STD Donivo a.s. company fleet by other vehicles within the 2015 year, and currently we dispose of over 500 trucks fleet.

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Jobs: STD DONIVO a.s.

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